Get FETCH in a fortnight PDF
Our free ebook (inspired by Gretchen Wieners of Mean Girls) is designed to help you assess your current financial situation, plan for the future and kick start your FETCH (financially empowered, thriving, confident and headstrong) money journey. It's a simple, but powerful exercise book. It's not designed to tell you that you must cut out your extra-large, extra hot, soya milk caramel latte, or sacrifice your social life to improve your money management skills. It's here to show you that personal finance does not have to be boring, stuffy or daunting, it can be done in manageable chunks. And we’re here to guide you through your journey where you (yes, you) can work to achieve financial freedom!
As our queen Gretchen Wieners says ‘that is so fetch’
In the ebook, you will find:
- An approach to create money goals that you can smash
- Our favourite ways to get finance content via Youtube, Instagram and Podcasts
- Ways to talk about money with your friends and family
- Our 50/30/20 budget template
Strategies to save not spend
Exercises to help you reflect on your money journey
10 ways to fight debt
A short investing guide for beginners
An overview to pensions
Our super seven key financial terms and ratios
Each day, we’ll take you through a money concept. Take 10 minutes out of your day for 2 weeks to read, do the exercises and become FETCH.
And did we mention, it's FREE? Sound good? Follow the instructions and you will receive the links to download it on the checkout page (you will not be charged for this ebook)
Disclaimer: Fempire Finance solely provides information, and is for basic education only. The content we produce does not constitute as financial advice and is not intended to be relied upon. Financial actions should be taken at your own risk. For specific advice, please speak to an independent financial adviser